Holmby News 5-28-21

May 28, 2021

From the Holmby Westwood Property Owners Association, serving the Holmby Westwood community since 1960.

1.  Important Message Regarding Westwood Village
2.  LAPD Message to the Community
3.  LAPD Crime Report
4.  Holmby Ave. at Wilshire Blvd. – Right Turn Only
5.  Memorial Day Safety
6.  Mail Theft Prevention
7.  Alfred Coffee – Now Open in Westwood Village
.  Activities & Things to Do
9.  HWPOA Communication and Ad Policy
10.  Resident Ads
11.  HWPOA Contact Information


To all Holmby Westwood/Little Holmby residents:

If you received the Westwood Village Newsletter, please DO NOT SIGN anything that supports “Amending the Westwood Village Specific Plan.”

As written, the Amendments do not support the goals of homeowners or the purpose of the Westwood Village Specific Plan:

“To permit, encourage and facilitate a balance mix of uses and an environment attractive to a cross-section of the community (in particular, nearby residents, office employees and UCLA students and staff), so that Westwood Village continues to function as a retail center that primarily serves the surrounding community and secondarily serves the broader regional and tourist market.”

Many of the provisions in the Westwood Village Specific Plan that serve residents would be removed. We must strive to maintain a balanced mix of uses.

Your Board of Directors has had a Westwood Village Committee (WVC), under the very capable leadership of Jann Williams, study every part of the Village for the past 2 years. The Committee has created maps of the location of historic buildings, the names of the property owners, the location of one story buildings, the venues that are open late, the cost of first hour parking, and parking vacancies. The committee has created “findings” and made suggestions to the Department of City Planning and to Councilman Koretz.

While the Board does support some of the Plan amendments proposed in the Westwood Village Newsletter, it does not support simplifying the regulations as stated and requesting two amendments. It is not in the best interest of residents nor do the changes support the goals of the WV Specific Plan.

We understand that the Village has a high vacancy rate, but the Village had a high vacancy rate for many years before COVID. Many of its problems are systemic and must be corrected. There are more food uses in the Village than there are mouths to feed. Many storefronts have been empty for years, parking has been difficult to find and parking lots are costly. Required design elements have not been enforced by the city. These are certainly not all related to COVID.

Holmby Westwood POA will be sending information shortly to guide you in your request to Councilman Paul Koretz. Please do not sign or send anything until you hear from your homeowner association.

Enjoy the holiday weekend!

Sandy Brown, HWPOA President


To the West LA Community:

I want you to know that your West LA team is here for you.  We are living in a world where it seems like one thing after another is keeping us off balance.  Over the last two weeks, West LA has experienced a 1300+ acre brush fire in the Palisades, several large demonstrations at the Federal Building and Israeli Consulate, and endured the fear and anxiety created by Hate Crimes and Hate Incidents in and nearby our division.  We have come through these events and more, and will continue to do so.  Despite the difficult circumstances that law enforcement officers face today, your West LA officers are still very engaged in their jobs and have recently made significant arrests of burglary suspects, car thieves and people with firearms in our division.

Badge Note to the Community – Click here

Please have a wonderful day, enjoy the weather and your friends and family and be ever vigilant!

Captain Jonathan Tom
Commanding Officer
West Los Angeles Area


Incident #: 210809649
200 BLOCK S MAPLETON DR  |  5/21/2021 @ 12:03 AM

LAPD Detectives report an increase in thefts of some dog breeds and cautions owners of French Bulldogs, in particular, and several other small breeds, to take precautions to protect their pups. Some owners, outside of West LA, have been assaulted or threatened with firearms during a dog-napping.

Here are some tips from LAPD and Pawboost.com, a Search & Rescue Organization for lost pets:

  1. Ensure your dog has been microchipped, regardless of the breed.
  2. Never tie up your dog outside a store while you go inside. It takes seconds to steal your dog.
  3. If you have a dog breed that is highly sought after, consider a GPS tracking dog collar.
  4. You can file an LAPD report for a stolen dog, as they are considered property, but it will generally be up to you to find your pet — an exception is when someone is assaulted or threatened during theft of their pet.
  5. If you have a breed that is likely to be resold, check Craigslist, which LAPD reports is a common location for stolen dogs to be put up for sale.
  6. Check all local animal rescues and shelters for your dog.
  7. Consider offering a reward for the return of your pet.

According to Los Angeles Magazine, these are the ‘black market’ rates for several breeds:

  • French Bulldogs – $7,000-$12,000
  • Merle Pomeranian – $3,000-$15,000
  • Goldendoodles – $800-$3,000


Due to a pattern of reported traffic collisions involving southbound through and left-turning traffic on Holmby Avenue, versus eastbound and westbound traffic on Wilshire Boulevard, all southbound traffic on Holmby Avenue at Wilshire Boulevard will be subject to a “Right Turn Only” restriction. See attached Traffic Control Report for additional information.

Holmby Ave & Wilshire Blvd – Right Turn Only


The best way to prepare for a safe holiday is to be vaccinated. That way, keeping your cookouts in line with our safety guidelines is much simpler: when everyone at a gathering is vaccinated, you can gather outdoors or inside without any masking or distancing requirements.

However, if any of the guests at your gathering are unvaccinated, they should wear masks and keep a distance from people in other households. In these situations, gathering outdoors with at most 100 others is safest, and if you gather indoors, keep the numbers lower, at 50% of capacity or 50 people, whichever is fewer.


Remember to report mail theft 3 ways:

  1. File an LAPD Police Report online – click here
  2. File a USPS Mail Theft Online Report – click here
  3. If you have video, photos or an eyewitness report of mail theft, contact LAPD Senior Lead Officer Pete Ojeda at 36393@lapd.online

Tips To Consider to Avoid Mail Theft:

  1. Use a locking mailbox or a locking mailbox insert.
  2. Install security cameras near your mailbox.
  3. Don’t put up the red flag on standalone mailboxes – it might also notify a thief you are mailing valuables or checks.
  4. Don’t send checks by mail and select “no paper statements” when possible.
  5. Consider using a secure package delivery location, like the Amazon locker hub in Westwood Village.
  6. Pick up your mail promptly and try to send mail near the expected pick-up time.


Alfred Westwood Village Now Open!

Now open on the corner of Westwood Blvd and Lindbrook Drive in the historic Ralph’s Market Building, Alfred is honored to call this iconic building its newest home. With their new Westwood Village location, it not only looks the part of Alfred with its beautiful architecture and legendary history, but it also serves as a terrific, well-situated space for the local community to gather, connect over a cup of coffee or tea, and make us a part of their daily routines.”

Menu – Alfred Coffee

Alfred founder & CEO Josh Zad invited Sam Yebri, his former Yale classmate, longtime Westwood resident and community leader, and current candidate for Los Angeles City Council, to join in the ribbon-cutting for Alfred Westwood Village.


For information and to make reservations – click here

Welcome Back!  The Getty Center museum in Brentwood is now open at limited capacity after being closed for over a year due to the COVID pandemic.  Enjoy art, architecture, and gardens once again at the Getty Center in Brentwood and Getty Villa Museum in Pacific Palisades. Although admission is free, reservations will be required as a limited number of spots are being offered daily.

The Hammer Museum presents:
THE 1921 TULSA RACE MASSACRE: A Historical Context
Tuesday, June 1, 2021 at 5:00 pm (Online)

Professor Brenda E. Stevenson moderates an online conversation with Karlos K. Hill and Hannibal Johnson, both authors and experts on the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre, on the centennial anniversary of that horrific event.  The Tulsa Race Massacre occurred in 1921, when a white mob assaulted residents, looted, and destroyed their homes, churches, schools, and businesses in the predominantly Black neighborhood and business district of Greenwood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The panel discusses the history of Black migration to Oklahoma, the Jim Crow realities of the early 20th century, the facts surrounding the Tulsa massacre, and the immediate aftermath in which hundreds of Black Americans were dead, homeless, or imprisoned, their families and financial lives devastated.

Learn more and RSVP


Please direct all comments, questions or issues regarding the Holmby News to hwpoa@aol.com.

Ads for plumbers, housekeepers, garage sales, etc. will be posted in the weekly News. Emergency situations such as lost and found pets, traffic alerts and similar situations will be published during the week as received.

When placing an ad, please send to hwpoa@aol.com for the Holmby News moderator to review.  Responses to ads should be directed to the ad placer, not to HWPOA.



I’d like to know if anyone in the neighborhood can recommend a good mobile car wash service.  I can be reached at tedpcohen@gmail.com.  Thank you!



I will be very grateful if someone could  recommend a plumber.  I need one for what looks like a difficult job finding the source of a water leak inside the house.  Please email me at Rozengurt@hotmail.com.  Thank you!


P.O. Box 49180
Los Angeles, CA 90049
Email: hwpoa@aol.com
Web site: www.holmbywestwoodpoa.org
Pay Membership Dues: https://squareup.com/store/hwpoa

You Are Invited . . .

  • To attend our monthly Board Meetings*
  • To let us know your concerns about our community and your ideas about how we might work to improve it
  • To become involved in our Association.

*Board Meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of each month.  Please confirm prior to attending.